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Sports Day

Well done to all the pupils who took part in sports day. All children had a great time and enjoyed taking part in multiple events. 

Spring Term

Year 3 had the opportunity to visit the Chiltern Open Air Museum as part of their ‘Stone Age to Iron Age’ topic. They learnt about what life was like during these prehistoric periods and took part in activities such as fire making, churning butter, making small clay pots, spear throwing and building shelters. The whole experience was fantastic and the children have used their learning in their History lessons since.

Year 3 spring


Year 3 have had a fantastic start to this year. We have learned the story ‘How The Tortoise Got His Broken Shell’ off by heart in English, made clay pots and dishes in Art, and investigated how forces and magnets work in Science! We are enjoying all of our lessons and working extremely hard.


Year 3 Hill Walk

Children in the Year 3 classes walked up Warden Hill. As part of their learning in Geography, children observed the different land uses from the top of the hill and also drew messy maps of their walk. 

In year 3, we have been exploring the prehistory stages of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Within this unit, the children have become researchers, presenters and archaeologist. The children have enjoyed using their researching skills to investigate the key events that occurred in the three prehistory stages and have been able to identify and compare the changes that have transpired into the lives we live today. Furthermore, the children had the opportunity to not only research these events but also had the opportunity to experience how the humans survived during the Stone Age to Iron Age time period on a trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum. The children had an amazing and exciting time participating in activities such as spear throwing; making fires using flint; making butter; grinding flour, making bread and much more. It was great to see the children being active, working as a team and more importantly enjoy themselves. They were fantastic representatives for Beechwood Primary school.

Year 3 spring

This term in Science, year three are are covering the topic Animals Including Humans and we are specifically focusing on diet, nutrition, our skeletons and muscles.

In this lesson, pupils activated their prior knowledge from year 2 by reviewing their previous learning on how animals can be grouped according to what they eat.

Hands on Maths

Year 3 Science

In our place value unit this term, one of the topics year 3 have been learning is how to find and estimate numbers on a number line. We decided to take it outdoors to make it more fun for the children.

Maths in action in the classroom – using concrete and pictorial resources to embed the learning.  

Year 3 mathsYear 3 maths b

For the Queen's Platinum Jubilee performance, year 3 had a procession of the 'Royal Family' and read out to the rest of the school the important events from the Queen's life.  

In year 3 Science, pupils have been learning about forces and magnets. During our lesson on magnets, pupils had to predict and sort various materials into ones that were magnetic and ones that weren’t. It was interesting to see how some of the groups chose to sort their items including using a Venn diagram and adding an intersection to sort items they thought were both magnetic and non-magnetic. Pupils learned that not all metals are magnetic and can identify which ones aren’t. They also learned that depending on their uses, some materials. They have thoroughly enjoyed this unit on Forces and Magnets.

Year 3a
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