Autumn 2
As we approach the end of the first term, the children in Year 2 have had a fun packed half term. Firstly, in Art they have been practising their drama (acting) skills for the production of ‘Say Hello to Little Jo’. Computing has captured the imagination of the children as we have been working on the unit ‘We are Games Testers’. This unit has shown the children the coding that is required to develop a game, an understanding of algorithms and the skill of how to begin to debug (as shown in the picture below). Finally, History has continued on from the Gunpowder Plot and leaped forwards 60 years to learn all about the Great Fire of London. The children were fascinated by how London looked some 350 years ago and using models along with other artefacts (see photo below) they got a sense of how crowded it was. They were also able to able to see how the fire spread and as a result the changes in the law on building regulation how it impact has on London today.
Autumn 1
As we welcome the children back from their summer holidays, the Year 2 team has been extremely impressed with how well the children are adjusting to their new expectations and routines. This half term has been packed with some amazing experiences and learning. Firstly, the children have been engaging with the new English Grammarsaurus, which is helping them understand how sentences are written and punctuated correctly. Secondly, the children have been thoroughly enjoying their Design and Technology lessons, where they are learning many different skills, such as cutting, snipping, chopping, grating, peeling, and mixing, to create their own Super Salads (as seen below). Thirdly, in P.E., the children have been learning how to skip with a skipping rope. Finally, this half term in History, we have been learning historical skills like chronology and how we remember important events through the use of artefacts. With these skills, the children have learnt all about the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Below shows the children’s work detailing those involved and key information, such as the Church, Bonfire, Fireworks, King James I, and Guy Fawkes.