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Sports Day

Well done to all the pupils who took part in sports day. All children had a great time and enjoyed taking part in multiple events. 

World Book Day Fun in Year 2

Year 2, enjoyed World Book Day, their outfits were amazing and really showed a wide range of books that are enjoyed by the children. The children loved choosing their own books from Beechwood very own ‘Starbooks’ and designing new book covers for their favourite books.

World book day Ash

Year 2 have been learning all about salads in DT. They have learned about what makes a balance diet and have explored different ingredients that can be added to create a salad. Everybody got the opportunity to taste salad items. Croutons seemed to be the most popular whilst olives were most definitely the least. They then learned how to prepare items from a salad safely and hygienically by chopping, cutting, grating and peeling. Finally, the children got to plan items they would like ready to make their own delicious salads.  


Year 2 tortoise visit

Year 2 had a wonderful visit from some tortoises. Children in Year 2 have been learning about animals including humans in Science this term. They were very excited to meet the tortoises and found out lots of interesting facts. 

The theme for Black History Month this year was 'Saluting our Sisters'. Year 2 created posters to share information about Black and Mixed Heritage British women who have shaped history and shared their achievements and accomplishments.

Year 2 black history month


Year 2 Seaside trip

Year 2 had a wonderful visit to the seaside as part of their learning. Children were able to play in the sand, paddle in the sea and visit Walton-on-the-Naze. It was a great day that everyone enjoyed. 

In science this half term, we have been looking at gardens and allotments. We have learnt all about what plants need to grow and have even had a go at planting our own vegetables. We have planted: peas, radishes, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and courgettes. We look forward to seeing them grow and tasting them when they are ripe and ready.

Year 2 spring

In year two, our focus for this Autumn 2 in science is materials. We have looked at a wide range of materials and have used them to conduct experiments. Some of the experiments we have done include whether certain materials are waterproof, whether they are absorbent and we even had a look to see if we can make paper waterproof. We have also learnt the difference between man- made and natural materials and had lots of fun printing with these materials.


In Geography, we started a new unit by receiving a mysterious suitcase from an unknown explorer. It was full of clues as to where the explorer currently was, and we had to use our detective skills to work it out. This activity generated fantastic discussions and got the children really enthusiastic about the topic we were starting: rainforests! Since then, the children have learnt lots of interesting facts about the rainforest and have started to compare it to the New Forest in the UK!

Year 2

For the Queen's Platinum Jubilee performance, the whole of Year 2 sang a song about the rainforest which is linked to their learning in class. They sang wonderfully and had a lot of words to remember. Well done Year 2. 

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