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Sports Day

Well done to all the pupils who took part in sports day. All children had a great time and enjoyed taking part in multiple events. 

Spring term in Year 1 the children have been very productive and have developed their learning across the curriculum. In science they have been learning about different ways in which we can look after our planet. This week we went into the quad and planted some sunflower seeds. In previous weeks we have developed an understanding on how to care for plants and what helps them to grow. Over the next few weeks we will ensure we are looking after our plants by watering them regularly. In maths, the children have focused on place value within 50. They have enjoyed getting various resources out and partitioning the numbers to find the tens and ones. Children have now moved on to learning about height and length. They particularly enjoyed the activity where they ordered each other based on height, from smallest to tallest. One of the main highlights of this half term was World Book Day. The children came into school dressed up as their favourite book characters and shared their stories with their friends. They were busy participating in lots of fun activities based on their class story, including making their own Rainbow Fish and clay leaves.


After reading the story Charlie’s Walk, we decided we were going to build a new bridge for Charlie to walk across. Everyone got to choose what resources they would like to use. We really enjoyed this story and we even liked the mean and sneaky tiger who followed him. We were glad that he went home hungry though and Charlie got home to eat the corn.


Trip to Harlington

The year 1 pupils visited Harlington village as part of their learning in Geography. The children looked at the differences and similaritites between a town (Luton) and a village (Harlington). The children took the train from Leagrave train station and enjoyed their short train journey. 

In Year 1, we have been conducting a variety of Science experiments. We have explored the best materials for repairing an umbrella. Plastic was good because it was water resistant. We also observed ice melting over time and identified the temperature needed to melt choclate

Year 1 spring

Year 1 entered a time tunnel and compared how they looked as a baby to now!

Some of us found it difficult to recognise our own baby pictures. We realised that we had definitely changed a lot since then.

Year 1 autumncooltext412887387444461(1)

During the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebration at school, some of our Year 1 pupils performed a dance that they have been learning in Dance club during lunchtimes. All the pupils danced beautifully and gave an amazing performance. 

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