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Autumn 2

This term Bluebell class have continued to work hard and have took part in lots of exciting activities! We started the term with learning about celebrations and important days such as Remembrance Day, Bonfire night and Diwali.

In Literacy, we focussed on traditional fairy tales. Following on from this the children followed instructions to create some yummy porridge, built houses for the three little pigs using straw, sticks and bricks and acted out the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ using props.

As we come the end of the term, we have been learning the Christmas story and went to our first assembly to watch Reception classes Nativity performance.

Autumn 1

Children have settled very quickly into Bluebell class. Our initial priority has been to settle children in, sharing expectations and establishing routines. We started the term with the topic “Ourselves” We talked about our families, differences between people and discussed how our feeling may changes e.g. happy to sad. We then moved onto learning to sing Nursery Rhymes such as; ‘Five Little Ducks and Old McDonalds had a Farm’

Bluebell children also visited the school library and are learning to sign ‘good morning, goodbye, please and thank you’ using Makaton.

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